Poems & Haiku Section

by Paul ( Karma Jigme Namkha )

Since Tiruvannamalai

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smiling I feel sadness

crying is joyfulness

my body has lightness



sitting, I feel movement

while moving I fall still

my world less ordinary



not, NO duality

no, not duality

two views becoming one






clouds blowing eastwards

swooshing swans flying west

where will you both rest ?

The Sun, the Moon and the Stars

Solar eclipse , INDIA 9:28am  26th Dec 2019


This is India

A place on the earth with history and presence

On the balcony we take our coffee, bissy

The early morning brightness has retired

And, oh hear the birdsong reducing - gone

A lightly clouded sky provides a filter

To safely see the sun seemingly to shy away

Brave moon, casts shadow down and cools


It is as though the veil of reality has fallen away

Even Chamundi Hill becomes a moth's evening wing


It is to last two hours and 15 minutes.



In the afternoon there is a showing at the Mall of Mysore cinema

Another astrological show in 3D

Star Wars, The Return of the Jedi

Again in darkness our imaginations will shimmer



(bissy  Kannada word meaning hot)